Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Motherhood - The best dressed parent ever!

Hello Ladies,

I am so mortified, the worst thing happened to me yesterday. Oh my God, I was sitting at Dome with friends 
(I use the term loosely because it was an accident that we were sitting together anyway and I have never thought that she has really liked me.)
I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned to see an old lady. "Excuse me dear but your G String is hanging out, I thought I would tell you in case some not so friendly people start looking at you and think the wrong thing". What the............. what wrong thing???? I was SO humiliated and I have to set this straight, I am so conscious when I wear hipsters and would never knowingly let my G hang out....... and she wasn't being diplomatic either she was being horrid. Somebody on my facebook page suggested maybe it was time for "granny knickers" but no.......... I am so not ready for that, and anyway they would look soooo much worse hanging out don't you think? 

The funny thing is, the "Mum" I was sitting with, I never completely felt as though I FITTED properly in her circle....... I don't know why, but maybe I am a little " too" fashionable, which made the humiliation SO much worse. I cant help it, I love clothes............

At the school gate, as elsewhere, clothes express your tribe, and your status – where you fit in, in other words. Apparently if you look too groomed, you alienate the stay-at-home mums and miss out on themorning-coffee camaraderie. But I definitely get taken more seriously by the teacher on days where I'm dressed up for work, so if I've got something to discuss I save it for when I look smart. Like so many things, it's a balancing act for women. Whether you're a politician's wife or going for a job interview, you want to look stylish but not snooty. And it's human nature for other mums to want to be your mate a little bit more when you do look on trend.

Anyway there are two kinds of mums in the world: those who wear trackies/PJ's in public (she is this one), and the Best Parent Ever, who would never be caught outside the house in anything but full make-up, designer clothes, and heels.(I am this one - well I try anyway ha ha ha x)

Of course, some may admire the Best Parent’s effort to overcome the saggy-baggy doldrums of motherhood while on a simple kiddy-run to the playground. But is it really worth the effort of tottering perilously through the sandbox in heels like a drunken sailor? Or ducking  like a limbo-party reject beneath the metal loops of the jungle gym to preserve one’s freshly-styled do?
Yes, of course it is. Because no matter how painful or clumsy it may appear, the Best Parent’s stylish get-up is specifically engineered to make all the other sweatpants-wearing parents nearby feel even more fat, ugly, and hopeless than they already feel. This once again proves that the Best Parent Ever is not only better than you, they are “hotter” too.
So take that, mumsy, with your dowdy get-up and practical childrearing fashions. The Best Parent Ever may not be able to sprint over in time to stop their littlies from falling headfirst off the monkey bars, but at least they will look good trying, in a trashy, MILF kind of way (G String and all).
What are your thoughts on this? I do think its gross to let your G hang out, but lets face it accidents happen xx A

Quote Of The Day

Words to live by ... Quotes mantra words of wisdom type

Monday, September 19, 2011

Happy Monday!

Hello Ladies,

I hope you had a gorgeous weekend, we did, however it was very windblown here in Perth, and the wind has a habit of making you feel a little out of sorts doesn't it? We have a new friend living in the roof. He or she has been there a little while but last night I woke to what sounded like him using a hammer and nails to build a house of his own above my head. I need a humane trap..... now to find one.

Have a great week everyone xx A

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tips on Tuesday - The Magic of Vinegar!

pink dish gloves

Hello gorgeous girls,

I hope your having a great week so far , I found these fabulous tips on how to use vinegar in many ways shapes or forms, I already use it to clean the tiles and have been told many different ways of using it at other times, I just haven't put it into practice yet. Now is the time....... Some of these tips are amazing.  xx A
Unleash the power of white vinegar―an all-purpose cleaner, brightener, herbicide and more. Just a bit of this multitasker, straight up or mixed with water, can replace many pricier products huddled under your sink. Try these tips to see how vinegar can make your life cheaper and easier.
1. Freshen up the fridge. Clean the shelves and walls with a solution of half water and half vinegar.
2. Brighten coffee cups and teacups. Gently scrub stains with equal parts vinegar and salt (or baking soda).
3. Eliminate odors. Swab plastic containers with a cloth dampened with vinegar.
4. Kill bathroom germs. Spray full-strength vinegar around the sink and tub. Wipe clean with a damp cloth.
5. Save a garment. To remove light scorch marks on fabrics, rub gently with vinegar. Wipe with a clean cloth. This technique also works on antiperspirant stains.
6. Tidy up a toilet. Pour a cup or more of diluted white distilled vinegar into the bowl. Let sit several hours or overnight. Scrub well with a toilet brush and flush.
7. Lose the carpet stain. Make a paste of 2 tablespoons white distilled vinegar and ¼ cup salt or baking soda. Rub into the stain and let dry. Vacuum the residue the next day. (Always test an out-of-sight part of the carpet first.)
8. Renew paint brushes. To remove old paint, place brushes in a pot with vinegar. Soak for an hour, then turn on the stove and bring the vinegar to a simmer. Drain and rinse clean.
9. Wipe off a dirty faucet. To get rid of lime buildup, make a paste of 1 teaspoon vinegar and 2 tablespoons salt. Apply to sink fixtures and rub with a cloth.
10. Stop static cling. Add ½ cup of white distilled vinegar to your wash cycle. The acid reduces static and keeps dryer lint from sticking to your clothes.

11. Make old socks look new. Get the stains out of old socks and sweaty gym clothes by soaking them in a vinegar solution. Add 1 cup of white distilled vinegar to a large pot of water, bring to a boil and drop in the stained clothes. Let them soak overnight, and in the morning stained clothes are fresh and bright.
12. Restore handbags and shoes. Wipe white distilled vinegar on scuffed leather bags and shoes. It will restore their shine and help hide the marks.
13. Banish weeds. Pour white distilled vinegar on the weeds growing in the cracks of your walkway and driveway. Saturate the plant so the vinegar reaches the roots.
14. Liven droopy flowers. Don’t throw out cut flowers once they start to wilt. Instead, add two tablespoons of white vinegar and one teaspoon of sugar to a quart of water. Pour the solution into your vase, and the flowers will perk up.
15. Put an end to itching. Dab a cotton ball soaked in white vinegar on mosquito bites and insect stings. It will stop them from itching and help disinfect the area so they heal faster.
16. Whiten your teeth. Brush your teeth once a week with white distilled vinegar. Dip your toothbrush into the vinegar and brush thoroughly. It will help prevent bad breath, too.
17. Make nail polish last longer. Before you apply your favorite polish, wipe your nails with a cotton ball soaked in white distilled vinegar. The clean surface will help your manicure last.
18. Keep car windows frost-free. Prevent windows from frosting over in a storm by coating them with a solution of three parts white distilled vinegar to one part water. The acidity hinders ice, so you won’t have to wake up early to scrape off your car.
19. Let your dog shine. Spray your dog with one cup white distilled vinegar mixed with one quart water. The solution is a cheap alternative to expensive pet-care products, plus the vinegar will help repel pests like fleas and ticks.
20. Battle litter-box odor. Cat litter can leave behind an unwelcome smell. Eliminate it by pouring a half-inch of white distilled vinegar into the empty litter box. Let stand for 20 minutes, then rinse with cold water.
21. Kill bacteria in meat. Marinating in vinegar knocks out bacteria and tenderizes the meat. Create a marinade by adding ¼ cup balsamic vinegar for every 2 pounds of meat to your own blend of herbs and spices. Let the meat sit anywhere from 20 minutes to 24 hours, depending on how strong you want the flavor, then cook it in the morning without rinsing.
22. Prevent cracked eggs. Prevent eggs from cracking as they hard-boil by adding two tablespoons of white vinegar to the water. The eggs will stay intact, and the shells will peel off more easily when you’re ready to eat them.
23. Steam away a microwave mess. Fill a small bowl with equal parts hot water and vinegar, and place it in the microwave on high for 5 minutes. As the steam fills the microwave, it loosens the mess, making clean up a breeze.
24. Repair DVDs. If you have a worn DVD that skips or freezes, wipe it down with white distilled vinegar applied to a soft cloth. Make sure the DVD is completely dry before reinserting it into the player.
25. Get those last drops. If you can’t get that final bit of mayonnaise or salad dressing out of the jar, dribble in a few drops of vinegar. Put the cap on tightly and shake. The remaining condiments will slide out.
26. Rinse fruits and vegetables. Add 2 tablespoons white distilled vinegar to one pint water. Use the mixture to wash fresh fruits and vegetables, then rinse thoroughly. The solution kills more pesticide residue than does pure water.
27. Brighter Easter eggs. Before your kids dye Easter eggs, mix 1 teaspoon of vinegar with ½ cup of hot water, then add food coloring. The vinegar keeps the dye bright and prevents the color from streaking.
28. Loosen a rusted screw. Pour vinegar onto the screw, and it will easily come unstuck
29. Remove gum. To remove gum from fabric or hair, heat a small bowl of vinegar in the microwave. Pour the warm vinegar over the gum, saturating the area. The gum will dissolve.
30. Keep cheese from molding. Wrap cheese in a vinegar-soaked cloth, then place in an airtight container and refrigerate.
31. Renew a loofah. Soak your loofah in equal parts vinegar and water for 24 hours to dissolve soap residue, then rinse in cold water.
32. Remove wax. If you get melted candle wax on your wood furniture or floors, gently wipe it away with a cloth soaked in a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water.
33. Take a relaxing bath. Add ½ cup of vinegar to warm bath water for a cheap spa session at home. The vinegar removes dead skin, leaving you feeling soft and smooth.
34. Brighten your hair. Remove hair product buildup by rinsing a tablespoon of vinegar through your hair once a month.
35. Freshen fabrics. Fill a spray bottle with white vinegar and spritz your home to neutralize odors in fabrics, carpets, shoes or any sprayable surface.
36. Erase crayon. If your kids get crayon marks on the walls or floor, dip a toothbrush in white vinegar and gently scrub. The vinegar breaks down the wax, making for an inexpensive, nontoxic way to clean up after children.
37. Sticky stickers. Don’t scratch at the residue left by stickers or price tags. Instead, apply vinegar to the gunk, let it sit for a few minutes, then wipe the glue away.
38. Clean the dishwasher and coffee pot. Reduce soap buildup and food residue by pouring a cup of vinegar into your empty dishwasher or coffee pot once a month and letting it run a full cycle.
39. Sanitize pet accidents. You can remove the stain―and smell―of your pet’s accident by mixing ¼ cup vinegar with a quart of water and blotting the mixture onto the mess with a washcloth. Continue dabbing until the spot is gone.
40. Prep for summer grilling. To remove charcoal buildup from your grill, spray white distilled vinegar on balled up aluminum foil and scrub the grate thoroughly.
41. Restore shower head pressure. If your shower head gets clogged with mineral deposits, soak it for 15 minutes in a mixture of ½ cup vinegar and 1 quart water.
42. Clean your scissors. When your scissor blades get sticky, wipe them down with a cloth dipped in full-strength white vinegar. Unlike soap and water, vinegar won’t ruin the blades or rust the metal.
43. Unclog drains. For a natural, nontoxic way to clean clogged pipes, pour one cup of baking soda, followed by one cup of white vinegar, down the drain. Let the products bubble and foam, then flush the pipes with a pot of boiling water.
44. Eliminate dandruff. If your scalp is feeling dry or flaky, vinegar can be a simple at-home remedy. Once a week, pour one cup of apple cider vinegar over your scalp, and let it sit for 15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with cool water.
45. Soften your feet. Summer sandals leaving you with cracked heals and calluses? Soak your feet for 20 minutes a day in one part vinegar to two parts warm water. The vinegar removes dead skin, leaving your feet soft and smooth.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Have A Glorious Weekend

I love this idea of an outdoor theatre, the cushions are fabulous, it looks so cosy  xx A


Spring is here and our weather has been fantastic this week, it feels as though we have hardly had any winter at all, not to say i am not glad about that xx Anyway, I hope you  all have a glorious weekend, eat, drink and be merry wherever you are in the world .

Here are some gorgeous Spring things to browse through xx A

Some simple Wedding Rings

A beautiful Spring porch

Some of Ali's gorgeous creativity

Beautiful People

Pineapple and kiwi ice poles..... yum!

looks do count - Body Image

Hello gorgeous ladies,

Do looks count?

I am writing this post today because it has become apparent to me, regardless of how much I try not to believe, that the latter is true.......Looks do count.

A client came in to the Salon yesterday and during  a conversation with him we both came to realise that he had just employed a previous employee of mine. The Girl in question was squeaky clean looking, very pretty, outgoing, polite etc..... everything a employee looks for in the Beauty industry. But on the other hand, after working with us we found her to be unreliable, not at all punctual, self absorbed and not very loyal. to cut a long story short she left us and has moved on to four or five other jobs in the past year.......Back to the client, he employed her obviously going by everything on the outside rather than past resumes. (she does present herself very well.)

So that answers my question......... looks do count!

Who says you can't judge a book by its cover? Why not be as superficial as possible? Why not trust first impressions? We all do it, and sometimes we're actually correct in doing so.
A study released several weeks ago noted women can look at a photograph of a man's face and assess with high accuracy whether he's the kind of guy who likes children, and thus shows good potential as a long-term mate. Conversely, the females identified correctly the men who had the highest testosterone levels and most suitability for a short-term fling (i.e. someone who won't tolerate nagging over changing diapers, chauffeuring the kids, doing household chores, keeping beer stains off the furniture, etc.).
University of Chicago researcher Dario Maestripieri, a co-author of the study, guessed that the women judged men with "a more rounded face, a gentler face" to be those most favorably inclined toward children. Another researcher suggested the men who liked children seemed to have a happier expression on their face when photographed, and women must have picked up on that.
Of course, the men showing a fondness for children may never have actually been around them. Once properly exposed, they may hate the brats, and in fact become foul-tempered, depressed louts from whom the children cower. But that would take a longitudinal study to determine, which we don't have time for.

Girly-men look good

Back in 1998, Scottish psychologists concluded women tended to prefer the faces of men with more feminine features because they were perceived as gentler, trustworthy types who would be loyal mates and good fathers. In fact, men as well as women had more favorable opinions of those with more feminine features. It's a long-term trend, apparently.
"If you look at the evolutionary record, we've moved from a more robust form to a more graceful form as a species" in overall features, said Scottish researcher Ian Penton-Voak. We're too illiterate to know the word "gracile," but we think it means someone who looks more like Leonardo DiCaprio than, say, one of the hillbillies in "Deliverance."

Shallow little people
It's never too early to begin showing bias toward attractive people, and prejudice against those among us who are not. Infants, in fact, lead the way.
University of Texas professor Dr. Judith H. Langlois wrote of how babies spend more time looking at attractive than unattractive faces, if they're given a pair of images to look at side by side. When able to play with a woman wearing either an attractive or unattractive life-like mask, babies focused far more on the prettier choice. Newborns, it seems, are just as shallow as anyone who ever watched "The Man Show."
Dr. Langlois was also among the researchers who concluded years ago that nothing is better than looking average. Computer technology has demonstrated that composites of various faces are typically viewed as more attractive than individual photos of any of the subjects themselves.
"Despite the old adage 'never judge a book by its cover' and despite the prevailing belief that attractiveness does not matter once we know a person, even parents judge and treat their own children differently based on attractiveness, although they are not aware of it," Dr. Langlois wrote.

Vive le difference?
Does anyone doubt that men care more about their partners' looks than do women? Author David Buss, in "The Evolution of Desire," found proof for the assumption in surveys done repeatedly of the two genders worldwide. On a scale of 0.00 to 3.00, men tend to rate the importance of looks as about 0.5 more important than do women.
"Regardless of the location, habitat, marriage system or cultural living arrangement, men in all 37 cultures ... value physical appearance in choosing a mate more than women," Mr. Buss wrote. Back in the day, as they say, men wanted youthful-looking wives who gave the appearance of being able to pump out babies at a high rate. Modern studies have shown, according to Mr. Buss, that men acquire social status by having an attractive mate, although women with handsome husbands don't reap the same benefit.
"People suspect that a homely man must have a high status if he can interest a stunning woman," Mr. Buss says.

Pretty as a picture

Of course, this is the kind of knowledge from which Hugh Hefner and other publishers have profited for decades, without any researcher needing to tell them anything.

Amen xx A

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Photo of the Day!

the return of the mona lisa after the war (paris, 1945)

The Mommy Diaries - I am sure exercise is just a fashion!

Hello again ladies

As a mum, I find it so hard to find time to exercise, do you? If I do, it means I need to get up before its light and then what to do? sadly, I don't even like exercise, I can summon up enough energy to do half hour if I have my most fabulous possession (my ipod) blaring me into the unknown.
Truth is I live  right next to the ocean, which IS where I love to walk, but unless I go in the middle of the night, there is no chance......... anyway my theory is that exercise is just a fashion, I am sure it all started with Jane Fonda because since when did you see Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor or any other Hollywood legends jogging down the street.

So I have googled and googled and come to realise that you don't have to join a gym to burn calories. Great workouts are all around you — in your home, at your desk or just outside your front door. And while everyday activities might not seem like much, over the course of a day, the number of calories you burn can really add up. Check out some of these "chores" to see how you can burn up to 150 calories as you go about your everyday stuff.

1. Gardening
Pulling weeds, digging holes, spreading mulch or grass seed — all these activities burn a significant number of calories. In just 15 minutes, you could burn as many as 75 to 100 calories while enjoying the fresh air — and crossing off one of your chores at the same time.

2. Housework
Don't think of it as more chores; see it as a chance to stay fit. Vacuuming burns plenty of calories, but add in mopping the floors, dusting and changing the sheets, and you can burn up to 50 calories in just 15 minutes!

3. Mowing
Why pay someone to cut the grass when you can do it yourself? Add as much as $30 to your weekly budget and trim your figure as you trim your lawn. Stay off that riding mower and burn 50 to 100 calories.

4. Climbing stairs
Do a load of laundry, take it upstairs. Come back down, pick up the bedroom linens, head back up — you get the idea. The more weight you carry up, the more calories you burn — as many as 100 calories in 15 minutes.

5. Shopping If you're heading to the mall, add an indoor lap before you do your shopping and after you've found what you're looking for. And forget that close spot — park in the distance to add steps to your tally.

6. Make your desk work count
Don't just sit at your desk — get active! Try leg lifts under your desk or hold your tummy in for a count of 10, firming muscles with isometrics. Press your palms flat down on your desk and release to strengthen your biceps.

So what do you think girls? I think we could do this don't you? after all as soon as summer gets here its time to expose those legs and arms again.........yay!! have a great day xx A

Women - Friendship

Good Morning Beautiful Ladies, This poem was emailed to me the other day by a dear friend, I thought it was beautiful so I decided to share with all of you. The painting I love also but have wildly been trying to find out who the artist is but haven't had any luck. I am going to print a copy of this poem off for a friend of mine who sadly lost her dad on fathers day this last weekend.

Anyway Girls have a fabulous day xx A

One Flaw In Women

Women have strengths that amaze men....

They bear hardships and they carry burdens,

but they hold happiness, love and joy.

They smile when they want to scream.

They sing when they want to cry.

They cry when they are happy

and laugh when they are nervous.

They fight for what they believe in..

They stand up to injustice.

They don't take "no" for an answer

when they believe there is a better solution.

They go without so their family can have.

They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.

They love unconditionally.

They cry when their children excel

and cheer when their friends get awards.

They are happy when they hear about

a birth or a wedding.

Their hearts break when a friend dies.

They grieve at the loss of a family member,

yet they are strong when they

think there is no strength left.

They know that a hug and a kiss

can heal a broken heart.

Women come in all shapes, sizes and colours.

They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you

to show how much they care about you.

The heart of a woman is what

makes the world keep turning.

They bring joy, hope and love.

They have compassion and ideas.

They give moral support to their

family and friends.

Women have vital things to say

and everything to give..



Quote of the Day!

words to live by quotes