Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Secret Sausage Rolls

Yesterday in the playground we all got talking about groceries, and how much fruit and veg we go through in one week. One of the other mums gave me a recipe for sausage rolls, that sounded so good i went straight to the shops to buy the ingredients (they must have sounded good!)
i went home and cooked them and i must say they turned out fabulous (thanks Jodie) although i think the recipe is almost foolproof.

You will need:

500 grams of pork and veal mince
1/2 a large sweet potato
1/2 a large zucchini
1 small onion
1/2 cup of wheatgerm (instead of breadcrumbs, high in iron and protein
4 sheets of puff pastry
milk  to wash

lay out your sheets of puff pastry to soften Grate sweet potato and zucchini and chop onion finely (preferably in a magi mix) mix with mince(go on get your hands into it) and add the wheatgerm. Roll into sausage like shape and dividing the pastry into two, place sausage meat along the centre and wash the edges of the pastry with milk for sticking, then roll up and join at the centre, cut up into generous chunks and wash over with milk to brown.
cook in the oven for about 20 minutes and..........

yum! the kids cant get enough of them. and all the veges are hidden (Ha Ha), that's the secret!

And while on the note of healthy food, my little Imogen just came back from Granny's with popcorn, a banana milk shake and told me she had been eating chocolate all morning (good one mum) her mood is baaaddddddd now, so not to self: no junk food in these holidays (yeah right).

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