Monday, May 16, 2011

The Magic of Silence and Stillness

Hello Ladies,

I have this terrible dilemma about play dates!
Since school has began this year it seems as though every day one child is having a play date at another childs. I have no problem with this but i am quite a protective(ridiculously so) mother, and i don't do the thing everyone else does and let other people pick my children up and take them home etc.

When we were young play dates meant "Coffee time" for parents too. We would all go over and have a play date rather than it be a glorified babysitting service which i fear it has become. Some of the mums are working and are pushing their kids from one to the next as a form of after school care.

I feel mean, but have put a ban on more that one play date a week (at the most). There is not enough time in the day for a start and also don't our children see their friends all day at school don't they?

Tomorrow we have a "date" and the Nana's face was priceless when i said i was coming along with Imie. My excuse was the car seat! i was horrified when she says she doesn't even use one (see my paranoia isn't unwarranted.)

After school we have homework, Imogen has Speech therapy as well, reading, bathing, dinner and what about general playtime?
This takes me back to what children need and that is not busy busy busy lives its The Magic of Silence and Stillness.

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