Happy Monday Girls
Today has been cold, really cold. 16 Degrees, which might not be cold for all of you but when you live in this climate its still freezing ha ha.
So we stayed in and watched a movie after school today The Bridge to Terrabithia, It is such an amazing movie, mind you I wasn't expecting it to be sad, but what I have been overly emotional about since the first time I saw this was the whole idea of the childhood imagination.
Preschoolers definitely don't inhabit the same world as us adults, they live in a world of magical possibility, where the rules of simple logic and reality don't exist. I can certainly understand why this time in a child's life is sometimes referred to as "The Magic Years"
We went for a nature walk on the weekend and Imie and Samuel are still referring to it as "The Adventure" .
They threw rocks into the rapids, walked along a rickety bridge and swung on an old tyre, we had a basic (last minute) picnic of Vegemite sandwiches and popcorn which they thought was the best thing ever it truly was an adventure in their eyes.
They have been asking to do it again ever since. In our children's eyes nothing is too outlandish, The Easter Bunny, Santa Claus,(If you have never seen this, you must, I will put it up now so I
don't forget but will do it again at Christmas, it is so adorable) The Tooth Fairy and in this movie Trolls, Giants and Magic Squirrels, making the other most enjoyable thing about this time in our child's life the fact that we get to relive what we also believed for so many years, and in movies like The Bridge to Terrabithia we remember our childhood adventures also x
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