Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Whats in your bag?

Read the Lies Between the Lines.
Hello Girls,

My husband said to me yesterday, "What the hell have you got in this bag? you need to unload...."
Have you seen that movie starring the gorgeous George Clooney "Up in the Air", if you haven't, he talks about the contents of your back pack becoming to heavy and therefore relating to the baggage you carry in life......
Yes it was quite deep but made some sense. Oh he would hate to see my bag!

I clean out my bag all the time, and by the end of the week it is full again, and i surely don't have any idea where it all comes from.., i think ever since getting rid of my baby bag I use my handbag as a security blanket (well that's what he says anyway).
 I threw it all out on the bench just now and the contents were as follows:

One Nappy....... I have no idea why, my boy wonder hasn't worn a nappy in 6 months..........
A tea shirt.......... for my boy again....... don't know why?
A toothbrush..... from our last visit to the dentist.
2 pairs of socks???? must have been going to visit an indoor play area.
Some old invites/tickets etc
Mobile phone,
My sunglasses... oh and holder... not together of course, who really puts them back into the case??
Coloured pencils.. for emergency situations, like when i am having coffee or lunch.
My Small digital camera.... the only real thing supposed to be in my bag!
Oh and purse, that's allowed in there too!
Numerous other things.....USB chips (why?), secret women's things, mints, bandaids, hand sanitiser, sunscreen..... the list goes on?
And this list doesn't include all the scrap paper, receipts and junk that should of just been binned!
Oh and about $30 in change rolling around in the bottom (yay parking money)

Anyway i have cleaned it out again now and i am going to time how long it takes for it to get back into that mess.
What do you have in your bag sweets? any strange things you would like to add??


  1. Well i have to say my handbag is disgraceful! I clean it out every few months haha and i did it on the weekend and "oh my lord" The crap that came out of there...For example Wipes, sare pants ( not for me) spare shorts ( again), old sweets, an old bag of crackers, nappy bags ( no idea) at least one full bag of rubbish, 2 wrestling figures, 5 pens, 2 pads of paper oh it goes on and on....
    Oh and even worse i have a larger version on the handbag dumping ground..its called the car....

  2. So funny to read what people have in their bag! I remember that part from Up in The Air, too. For summer, I downsize to a tiny shoulder purse to force myself to fill it with less : )


I would love to hear your what you have to say, but only nice comments please or I may cry!