Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Mommy Diaries

Oh how we forget and how we definitely don't make the most of our free time before our precious little bundle arrives. Although we would never change a thing for the world, there are always things we remember doing when our time was our own that are not quite the same after the birth of our beautiful babies.

10 Absolute necessities to be done before bub arrives!

  1. Go on, go to the movies. I can count on one hand how many times I have entered a movie theatre since bub number 1 arrived, oh and of course most of them are kids movies.
  2. Have a leg wax, bikini wax.... oh what the hell have an everything wax Get your nails done, a pedicure, a massage.... in fact go live in the salon for a day.
  3. Hint hint hint to someone close to you to throw you a baby shower. Make the most of the attention. The new addition will be getting ALL the attention when he or she arrives.
  4. Have some girlie nights out and in. Have as many baby friendly nibbles and mocktails as you like, after all, this is the only time in your life you don't have to suck your tummy in.
  5. And more importantly have some couple time with your man. Try to take a weekend away together, eating (not drinking of course) and relaxing in "peace and quiet" this time is more valuable than you realise.
  6. Sleep in............need i say more.
  7. Sleep in some more. No just kidding, but heh leave your PJ's and slippers on and "sloth" around the house for a while.
  8. Read a book or if you cant manage that a magazine....... from cover to cover.
  9. Drink a hot cup of tea....... this may be your last.
  10. Do exactly what you want. Remember this is a special, special time and for at least these few months you definitely come first.
I loved being pregnant, and my favourite thing was having my hands and feet massaged, i suppose these were the parts of my body that felt the most abused!

What is the thing you most remember enjoying while you were pregnant?

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