Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Never rush it!

I was struggling my way around woolies this morning in an attempt to get some grocery shopping done before the start of school holidays. My trolley had a bung wheel (don't they always) and my three year old BoyWonder Samuel was sitting amongst all the food singing at the top of his voice. I was in a deep discussion with him on why i wasn't buying custard when from behind a lady said to me with a sad smile, "I miss having little helpers around to shop with". Me thinking she was being sarcastic laughed in an agreeing manner, then realising my mistake said "Well i definitely buy alot less when he is taking up all the space".

I thought about her comment and how quick time does fly by, before we know it they don't even want to come shopping with us, or even talk to us for that matter. Lets be honest here, we all get stressed out trying to shop with little ones, but this is life and we need to make our days run as smoothly as possible, especially in an age of  busy "run around mums".

My biggest pet hate is when i ask someone how their day has been and their reply is "good now its nearly over" or workers that spend all week waiting for the weekend. I can say in all honesty that i have never wished my days away or would want to. I cherish every moment i have with my family, every day brings something new even a new idea (such as this blog).

 i feel we need to try to get through our days with as little pressure and stress as we can take on and to enjoy any peaceful moments without feeling the need to rush onto the next thing. Before we know it we will be the lady in the shop wishing we had never felt agitated with our children because they have been and gone.

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