Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Motherhood - How To Enjoy Your Children More!

Hello Gorgeous girls,

I am sure I am not the only one that wonders sometimes "why  it is all so hard/" sometimes just waking up and getting breakfast for everyone seems like a challenge. I saw an episode on Doctor Phil once where he talked about the importance of family traditions, and it was something I admit, had never crossed my mind, but ever since I have made a conscious effort to do little things that have turned into small traditions around our house, and you wouldn't believe how important these little things become to the little ones in the household and how much you start to look forward to them too.
These are some examples of our household traditions:
  • Friday night pizza or fish and chips with a yummy dessert
  • Nightly bedtime story
  • Roasting marshmallows on the first cold night of the season
  • Attending service at your place of worship, especially around Easter or Christmas time
  • Easter egg Hunt
  • Stir up Sunday - Traditional Christmas Pudding making Day is the third Sunday of November, My kiddies love it and its the start of Christmas for us.
  • A birthday Zoo visit.
  • Making the birthday cake of their choice (or trying to anyhow) check out the Essential Kids Birthday Cakes 2011 (Australian Womens Weekly)

Parenting really can be more fun than frustrating. Don't think so? These four tips may just change your mind. Enjoy your children more! By Barbara Gibson

Enjoy Your Children More - Four Tips

1. Slow Down

Rushing back and forth to meetings, practices, play-dates and other activities can keep you away from places that build and strengthen your relationship (and enjoyment) of your child. What places?

  • Your child's bedside where you can share a silly story at bedtime or listen to him share the best/worst parts of today or what she is looking forward to tomorrow; or even watch your child sleep and dream.
  • The kitchen where you can prepare a meal or bake cupcakes together.
  • The kitchen table where you can play a game or share a craft project.
  • The garage where you can share the experience of building something together.
  • The garden where you can plant and tend fruit, flowers or vegetables

2. Listen

It isn't just on television that kids say the darnedest things. When we really listen to our kids we hear that they are funny, wise, insightful, compassionate, silly....what will you learn about your kids today?
Rituals and traditions help keep family relationships grounded; in fact, they are among the ties that bind. Sharing special times with loved ones creates warm feelings that we can rely on during the rocky times. Traditions don't have to be all consuming. You can keep them simple and still have fun.

3. Follow Your Child's Lead

Sure the buck stops with you, but you don't have to be in charge all the time. Open yourself up to all sorts of possibilities by following your child in a floor game, listening to music of your child's choosing, throwing the ball around, hitting the nail salon, or whatever your child likes to do. Chances are when you reach out to your child, your child will reach back.

4. Be Consistent and Clear in Your Expectations

We all (usually) do better when we know what is expected of us. Children are no exception. Be sure your expectations are age appropriate and your limits are for things that really matter. If the behavior doesn't conflict with your values, is not unsafe, or is just an annoyance, ignore it...let's face it, everyone has a habit that can be considered annoying. Even parents!

I thought these four points were fabulous and the most simple of ideas also, the things that take you back to your own childhood experiences. Sometimes it does all feel a bit too hard to fit these things in but once you do you wouldnt regret it

xx A


  1. Hi Angela, I found and joined your gorgeous site today. Unfortunately for some reason I come up as anonymous...still trying to work out how to change that!. Your blog is gorgeously written and presented. Looking forward to reading past and future posts. jojo3b :)

  2. Hi Jo thankyou for the lovely words and for following me x I am just starting out, loving it and finding it very addictive xxx have a gorgeous weekend xx


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