Monday, July 4, 2011

The Joy and Frustration of Parenting

Happy Monday beautiful girls,

I have been thinking and decided this Monday I want to write about how nothing compares to the overwhelming frustration and absolute joy of parenting.

Yesterday we were driving along and the little princess spotted a beautiful rainbow out of the window. Then  both she and the Wonderboy asked if we could reach the end. The look on their face was priceless when I said it looked like we might reach the end. The princess said "do you think the rainbow will be hard or soft when we touch it?" I said "what do you think?" she replied "Soft and see through.

It was such a gorgeous conversation. We don't often hear these wonderful stories because as much as young children can be an absolute pleasure they can also be frustrating and hard work. Independence is the word that describes it. Our little people are changing from dependent babies into children that can and want to do things for themselves. From the highest of highs to the lowest of lows children do live every day to the absolute most.

I love this!
Have you ever noticed a child having a tantrum in the shopping centre. That other mums give a "knowing " look or a "wry smile" This look is exchanged like a secret code. Also when you are happily chatting or playing with your little one, the look of memories and joy passes through the faces of these same passers by.

And anyway aren't we all allowed our moment of screaming and stomping, we as adults just look a bit sillier doing it don't we?

We will laugh at these bad times in the distant future. My mum and dad always tell me its karma for my behaviour as a child - yeah right, but regardless these times are great. Children are amazing, beautiful little people who bring so much joy and happiness into what would otherwise be quite a superficial world.

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