Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Why is Grandma a "swear word"

Hi lovely ladies,

What do you think of this????

I was out yesterday afternoon and heard a child call their Grandma "Gidget", I nearly laughed out loud, that was after getting over the shock of it being a Grandmas name in the first place!, When i got home i googled a few sites and found their are actually an amazing amount of trendy grandparent names out there!

The New York Times has recently informed us that Goldie Hawn goes by Glam-Ma and Blythe Danner by Lalo. The recent Times piece, one of the most-shared pieces on the paper's website, also introduces one family with grandparents known as Q and a Buya Buya .

Today's Grandparents it seems, are "resistant to being called anything that makes them sound old," the Times reports, " and have taken to accepting toddlers' neologisms and ethnic variations or, better yet, naming themselves."

I must say I am not looking forward to the day..... and I will probably be one of these vain (I am still too young to be a grandparent types), I may even think up a random name that suits, but then again, on the other hand I am a sickly traditional type gal who will probably end up being called "Granny" like her predecessors!

Please Please let me know your thoughts and any names you will be called or are being called as we speak?? I would love to hear from you!

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